System Settings

General Program Settings
The default URL used to access Nagios XI directly from your internal network.
The URL used to access Nagios XI from outside of your internal network (if different than the default above). If defined, this URL will be referenced in email alerts and generated pdf reports to allow quick access to the interface.
Timezone Settings
Other Settings
Session Cookie Settings
Amount of time in minutes that a user remains logged in while inactive. Set timeout to 0 for unlimited. Some pages such as the operations center will not log users out for inactivity.
Two Factor Authentication (Email)
Amount of time in minutes that two factor auth tokens should expire.
Amount of time in days that two factor cookie should expire.
Rapid Response URL Settings
Amount of time in minutes before rapid response URLs time out and cannot be used.
Page Security Settings

By default in Nagios XI 5.3.0+ all pages are not allowed to be used inside frames (frame or iframe) except by pages that are loaded from the same hostname. This addition was made to protect against clickjacking and improves the overall security of the application. This restriction is done by setting the X-Frame-Options header to SAMEORIGIN and applying Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'self'. You can add specific hosts which require a ?req_frame_access=<host> GET or POST field set when placing a page into a frame not on the same origin and will keep the set frame name for the duration of the session. You can also disable all frame restrictions.

The connection type for the internal cURL call in Nagios XI to use. We default this to TLSv1.2 in 5.3.0 but can be changed to older, still secure versions only.

SSH Terminal
Account Locking
Accounts will be locked after this many unsuccessful attempts to login.
Accounts will be unavailable for this period of time after a lockout. (in seconds)
Enter 0 to require accounts to be unlocked by an Administrator.
Local Password Requirements
Passwords are required to be reset after they've been in use for these many days.
Enter 0 for unlimited password age.
Passwords are required to have at least this many characters.
Password Complexity
Theme Settings
Display Settings
Data Settings (Highcharts)
Warning/Critical Line Display Settings (Highcharts)

This will disable the warning and critical line buttons from being displayed in any graphs.

This will display the warning and critical lines when an eligible graph is loaded and drawn.

General User Settings
Default User Settings
New User Account Information Email

Update the template for email that goes out when Email User Account Information is checked (default) when adding new users.
Available macros for this template: %product%, %username%, %password%, %url%

Nagios Fusion Integration

The fuse key below should be given to your Nagios Fusion 4 server only. The key allows a Fusion 4 instance to connect and integrate with this Nagios XI system.

Backend Login Settings
<!-- This page requires a web browser which supports frames. --> <h2>Nagios XI</h2> <p align="center"> <a href=""></a><br> Copyright (c) 2009-2024 Nagios Enterprises, LLC<br> </p> <p> <i>Note: These pages require a browser which supports frames</i> </p>