Performance Settings

These options allow you to select which pages are used in the Nagios XI web interface.

Non-unified pages provide dynamic updates via Ajax and let users add certain sections of the page to their dashboards, but incur a higher performance hit than unified pages. Unified pages offer higher performance than non-unified pages, but do not offer users the ability to add portions of the page to their dashboards.

Page Settings
Status Page Settings
Number of times to retry before showing object does not exist message in host/service status pages. One retry per second.
Global Dashlet Settings
Number of milliseconds to multiply individual dashlet refresh rates by. Defaults to 1000 (1 second).
Dashlet Refresh Rates

Number of time units (usually seconds) between dashlet refreshes. Lower numbers increase system load, while higher numbers decrease load. Refresh rates specified below are multiplied by the refresh multiplier specified above.

These options allow you to specify data retention, and optimization intervals for the databases Nagios XI uses.

Nagios XI Database
Max time in minutes to keep commands.
Max time in minutes to keep events.
Max time in DAYS to store SNMP trap data in the database.
Max time in HOURS to store expired auth tokens in the database.
Max time in HOURS to store expired (no longer active) session data in the database.
Max to keep audit log entires in days.
Max time in minutes between optimization runs.
NDO Database
Max time in DAYS to keep external commands.
Max time in DAYS to keep log entries.
Max time in DAYS to keep notifications.
Max time in DAYS to keep state history information.
Max time in minutes to keep timed events.
Max time in minutes to keep system commands.
Max time in minutes to keep service checks.
Max time in minutes to keep host checks.
Max time in minutes to keep event handlers.
Max time in minutes to keep comment history.
Max time in minutes between optimization runs.
CCM Database
Max time in minutes to keep logbook records.
Max time in minutes between optimization runs.

These options allow you to enable/disable certain ongoing subsystem processes of Nagios XI.

Disabling Outbound Data Transfers and listening for Unconfigured Objects will result in a slight decrease in CPU usage, and disabling subsystem logging will reduce disk activity for subsystem processes.
NOTE: Disabling Outbound Transfers will stop any currently defined outbound transfers. Outbound settings can be viewed here.

Subsystem Options

Edit performance settings for auto-running pages such as reports, metrics, etc.

Auto-running Page Performance Options

Edit settings relating to the Backend Cache. This is used to cache some of the calls to the database.

Enabling this feature will result in non-realtime data. If you need data displayed in realtime, then DO NOT enable this feature.
  • This can considerably improve performance on systems that perform a lot of host and/or service checks.
  • Enabling this feature on systems with a lower amount of checks (< 1,000) will be detrimental to performance and is not recommended.
  • Enabling this feature on systems that add or remove hosts and/or services frequently is not recommended.
Backend Cache Settings

Change the location of the backend cache, just make sure that the new location has write permissions for the apache user.

How long will a particular cache exist? Measured in seconds.
Maximum Backend Cache Performance

In order to take full advantage of the Backend Cache, you might want to ensure that your Backend Cache Location is writing to RAM instead of disk.

To create a 512 MB RAM Disk to hold the cache data, console in to your Nagios XI server as root, and execute the following command:

mount -t tmpfs -o size=512m tmpfs /usr/local/nagiosxi/tmp/backendcache

Select the amount of different kinds of snapshots to keep. You must keep at least the last one good CCM and Core snapshot.

Number of Core Snapshots
Number of Error Snapshots
Number of CCM Snapshots   (This must be equal or greater than number of Core snapshots)
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