Scheduled Backups

You can update your scheduled backup settings for your server. You can use all or none of the scheduled backup types.

FTP Backups SSH Backups Local Backups Last Backup Size
Disabled Disabled Disabled Unknown

This section allows you to create an FTP scheduled backup that will send your System Backups via FTP to your server.
We recommend creating a specific folder and username/password on your FTP server.

FTP Settings
on at :
Hostname or IP Address
The amount of backups you'd like to keep before replacing the oldest backup. You can enter 0 to keep unlimited backups.

Create a scheduled backup that will transfer your System Backups via SSH & SCP to a server.
We recommend creating a specific folder and username/password on your remote server specifically for nagios backups.

SSH Settings
on at :
Hostname or IP Address
The amount of backups you'd like to keep before replacing the oldest backup. You can enter 0 to keep unlimited backups.

Local backups are located on the server and perfect for scheduling backups to shared drives and partitions.
Make sure your chosen location can be written to by the nagios user.

Also make sure the location you select has adequate disk space available for your backups. Backups can be very large. Check above to see your last backup's size.

Local Settings
on at :
The amount of backups you'd like too keep before replacing the oldest backup. You can enter 0 to keep unlimited backups.
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